He also developed two canteens serving hot meals on a cafeteria basis. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The City Architect and Director of Education put together an Advisory Committee which consisted mainly of teachers and it was the brief of this group, to assist in the solution of the problems involved in schools of this size and complexity envisaged. He is the one who encourages them, guides them and if need be punishers them. Interviews with ex- pupils and teachers from The Woodlands School for Boys. In writing previous Woodland blogs I have often questioned myself did I enjoy my time at Woodlands? In September 1957 Wilson House was renamed Perrens following the retirement of its Housemaster Mr. F. Perrens. It has been a difficult two years and they have shown such resilience to achieve the results they need to move on to their next life stage successfully. However it was decided a prohibition order was necessary to keep pupils safe and maintain public confidence in teaching. Bernard Tranter was IMO the best one there. Principal Teacher : Miss Rhian Ruck. The new facility will open on the site of the former Woodlands School, which closed its doors in 2016. I moved to New Zealand in 85 so lost touch with my Coventry school mates, though would love to readsome posts from the same period I was at Woodlands, especially from Ellis boys One more female teacher I remember, the often braless Miss Ball who took home ed.. Hi there I'm new to this. My friend and I have decided to start this petition to save Woodlands School. I loved languages and enjoyed the experience I had with Howell Jones, Hugo Hottot and Sammy Howells. The wheels of the education authority do grind slowly!!! We lost 6-3. Coventry City Council has been approached comment. Roger Greaves was my Housmaster in Ellis House, straightened me out on more than one occasion and I have Pete Beckram to thank for helping me undertsand maths through a variety of coaching and caning. Your school education years are the same as mine, and a few of my teachers had the same traits as some of your Woodlands teachers, though luckily only a tiny few. The upset caused by these closures was considerable and begs the question, Why did they close those Houses and not others? The answers lie mainly in the fact that the Heads of these particular Houses were retiring or moving to other posts at that time. The percentage of pupils gaining five grade A*-C GCSEs rose from 36% in 2007 to 61.7% in 2008. In 1997 the school had 6 Houses and a Post 16 Centre. Principal Teacher : Ms Lainey Gow. As part of our safeguarding arrangements, we have a two-way information sharing agreement in place with the local police authority. The cookies collect information in a way that does not directly identify anyone, including the number of visitors to the website and blog, where visitors have come to the website from and the pages they visited. 6101 Research Forest Drive. There was a flagpole behind the library bearing a dedication to students of the original schools who were killed in the wartime bombing of Coventry. In July 1965 Mr. E. Ellis retired as Head of Spencer House and the House was renamed after him. A pupil will achieve a maximum score of 80 if they achieved A* in all 8 core subjects. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. READ MORE:Former Woodlands School to be turned into another school if plans approved, "The former Woodlands School site allows for the additional capacity required within the special school system that the current Woodfield primary and secondary school sites cannot provide and ensures benefits in terms of shared working practices, provision of more efficient and improved facilities and reduced revenue pressure from a site no longer being split over two school sites. The Woodlands School The all boy Woodlands School was opened in 1954 as one of eight comprehensives in the city. His Headship was characterised by significant changes both in education as a whole and in the school in particular. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The 1988 Education Act introduced Local Management of Schools, in which budgets were delegated directly to schools. English: 763-315-6400, ext. Many of the other schools took their names from historic buildings in their area however, in the case of The Woodlands there was no obvious choice so the name was chosen because of the proximity to Tile Hill Nature Reserve with its extensive woodland area. Maths and English scores are doubled and then added onto the other 6 subjects. Also in Stringer was Bobby Arthur jnr, at that time he was a schoolboy boxing champion. A teacher at a school in Warwickshire has been banned from the classroom indefinitely after admitting sexual offences. Schools and Education - Woodlands School Suitably Chastised I could only assume that apart from putting oneself in touch with the past and reliving the happy and sad events experienced in those formative teenage years, it gives credence to that old saying, Schooldays are the happiest days of your life. The Coventry Technical School, which had been deliberately developed by its Headmaster with the support of the governors into a bi-lateral Technical Grammar School with the comprehensive school in view, had been poorly housed in temporary huts behind the Technical College. ), and focuses on preventing young people from becoming involved or further involved in crime and anti-social behaviour as a victim or offender. We have the privilege to be able to teach and learn, as an 11-16 Academy, in a 26 million building. The number of pupils there are for each teacher. The lady teacher had a maroon velvet covered handbag which had gold hinges along the bottom, and she neatly clipped the sides together with a twist on the top (if she needed anything from it) to close it. History. You can read our full privacy policy here: This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Faculty. The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership is committed to keeping our students safe, both in school and the wider community. I guess I was lucky, that I got Bernard Tranter in his early years at Woodlands and I found him to be OK. The former Woodlands Academy in Coventry could be turned into another school if a planning application is approved. The Headmaster, Mr. F. West M.A., had previously been Head of the Coventry Technical Secondary School. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. The total number of pupils who remain enrolled in the school at the end of KS4. These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use this website. These canteens occupied two former Houserooms. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. A hearing was held in January and the outcome was made public on Thursday (February 9). Woodland Elementary. Woodlands Elementary School. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Hi belushi, would he have been near retirement then? Woodlands School currently has a Pastoral team who support pupils across the school. Walter Hogarth retired in May 1996. Maths and English grades are weighted twice as much as other core subjects. Mention of the first female teacher at Woodlands reminded me when at Junior Tech Perrins (Maths) was taken ill (Peritonitis - we thought) and off quite a long time. I was fortunate to attend Woodlands from 1962-1969. equivalents) per pupil, Pupils starting KS4 in low prior attainment band, Pupils starting KS4 in middle prior attainment band, Pupils starting KS4 in high prior attainment band, Number of A Level student at the end of year, Average point score per A level entry (as grade), Average point score in best 3 A level entries, Percentage of A levels pupils achieving AAB or better. Not sure when this would have been, but sad to read. The school has a 94.4% attendance rate, which is about average for the country. Inspectors will sit in on classes, assessing each teacher's teaching ability. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I was in Stringer house at Woodlands. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Headteacher: Mrs Angelina Lombardo. Our heating system was a cylindrical coke burner which was hardly ever lit. Walter Hogarth took over from Donald Thompson in January 1981; he had previously been Headmaster at Holdgate Comprehensive School in Barnsley. It achieved an average A Level score of 25.05, which is far below the nations average. Parents moved home to ensure a place for their sons and house adverts often stated Within The Woodlands catchment area. Despite protests outside the school and the involvement of the local M.P., the LEA stuck to its policy and the school was reduced to an eight-form entry. Many of our number went on to achieve great things in life, mainly because they received a better schooling at Woodlands than they would otherwise have had at the Tec. 4501 Oak Grove Parkway Brooklyn Park, MN 55443. Some of the lads travelled from Devon, Somerset, Bedfordshire and Derbyshire as well as we local boys whose journey was far less than that of our old school chums. 1995-2002 Coventry Internet Developments Ltd: This page updated 14 August 200814 August 2008 teacher at woodlands school Coventry, England, United Kingdom. In 1983 legislation forced LEAs to publish comparative examination results. Woodlands, Coventry, CV4. As one of England's first purpose-built comprehensives, Woodlands in Coventry, falls victim to competition, parents and students reveal the human cost Left to right: Sarah Illsley, Charlie. They were poor teachers but their classes were quiet - that was seen as the holy grail in those days. Instead of the lavish classrooms they enjoyed, we had to make do with makeshift huts resembling those used to house prisoners during the war Stalag 17 comes to mind. Percentage of pupils who attained a pass grade - that is an A* to C grade, in both English and Maths. The Housemaster has a room and there is another for his staff of five each of whom is in charge of an age group under his general direction. In August 2011, Woodlands School converted to academy status and was renamed Woodlands Academy. II Barn Farmhouse. There are memories which can never be taken away from me. There's also 192.com although if you find something of interest you would have to pay a small amount to extract full details Other characters too numerous to mention in the short time I have, who reigned over their subjects, some appeared to enjoy abusing their status of 'power' and certainly would not exist in today's school environment whereas others who were more considerate would not be out of place in the schools of 2016. Stephen Robinson had been teaching at Woodlands School when he was arrested and convicted, Stay in the know. READ MORE: Two homes broken into within minutes of each other. Blog. 264 of 306 Sat 12th Dec 2020 1:20pm. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Woodlands Academy, Coventry . After having finished our meal and a few drinks, the time came to say our goodbyes. It also brought a new layer of management. Students at West Coventry Academy in Coventry are celebrating huge successes after receiving their A-Level results. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Principal Teacher : Miss Leah Anderson. This indicates how much progress students have made from end of KS2 to GCSE, zero being the national average. His offences did not relate to the school or any of its pupils or staff. Description It was originally intended to produce one book about the two secondary schools that serve Eastern Green, The Woodlands School for boys opened in 1954 and Tile Hill Wood School for the girls in 1957. I remember playing in the Coventry Schools rugby final at Coundon Road for Caludon Castle against Woodlands. Robinson, 36, was charged with attempting or engaging in sexual communication with a child and attempting, causing or inciting a female child under 16 to engage in a sexual act. The contents would cover the history of the site, the post war expansion of the area leading to the need for more schools and interviews with ex- pupils and teachers. A spokesman for Woodlands School said: "In August 2021, the school were made aware of an allegation against an employee and acted swiftly to deal with the matter, which resulted in the employee leaving our employment. use the main school number and our receptionists will put you through. : Joined Apr 2011 Total posts:20. The sudden closure forced a merger with Tile Hill Wood making one big mixed-gender school and disrupting a lot of children's education. I liked Harvey Wyatt as well. Pupils from Woodlands Academy, Broad Lane, Coventry protest at the plans to merge their school with Tile Hill Wood School. The Woodlands SEND School will combine the facilities of the Woodfield Primary School and Woodfield Secondary School, which will be surplus to requirements as part of the proposals and outline planning applications have been submitted for both sites for residential development. The relationship of the Housemaster to his House is that of the Headmaster of a small school to his pupils. The school was purpose-built in 1954 as one of the first comprehensive schools in the country, by the collaboration of two local educational establishments, Coventry Technical Secondary School a Grammar School and Templars School a Secondary Modern School It opened on the morning of 21 September 1954. The first Coventry league tables placed The Woodlands first in three of the six categories, second in two more and fifth and in the final category. Under his leadership the pupils had been organised into diverse, mixed ability groups whilst in Houses but into streamed groups for teaching, all this was about to change! Our Mission: In all, with the improved facilities and extra space, apart from being more comfortable, our capacity to learn became greater as we never had the distractions that impeded our progress as at our old school. Stringer, Gibraltar and Leonardo were extensively damaged. Many tears have been shed over the pitiful plight of these poor children, herded together in one vast concentration camp of a school, with nobody knowing them as individuals and nobody caring for them. To strengthen this link, the two sixth forms were amalgamated under a new name, and in 2001 The West Coventry Sixth Form was created which was later joined by Westwood Academy. Flitcroft was also an Art teacher, and taught 'Social Studies' (a modicum of History and Geography)! I started teaching in 1974, and for the first ten years or so caning was still allowed. To find a list of Teachers, Administration and Professional Support Staff, please open our Woodlands Staff Directory (Google Sheet opens in a new window) . These include a number of therapies, interventions, curriculum and access to outside agencies for support. Never heard him called Jock - he was from Portsmouth! Woodlands, Coventry, CV5. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This change fundamentally altered the nature of the Houses, leaving sandwich eaters in House but hot meal pupils in the canteens supervised by SLT and duty staff. KS4 is commonly referred to as GCSE stage and compulsory for all school pupils nationally. An early decision was made not to interview anyone who became a pupil at either school after the year 2000. Keeps a record of your consent to cookies. You need to be signed in to respond to this topic. School Tutors Programme - Find out more about our national programme here. Contact Us: 2501 North Coulter Amarillo, Texas 79124 806-326-5800 806-356-4926. The Woodlands High School. Something went wrong, please try again later. The school is a Grade II listed building so another application has also been submitted to the city council asking for permission to knock parts of it down. 1985 was also a year of change, there were parental ballots on single sex schooling which resulted in Caludon Castle becoming co-ed. Coventry, CV4 9PW. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This concern was uppermost in the minds of the Advisory Committee as they worked to plan The Woodlands. A teacher at a school in Warwickshire has been banned from the classroom indefinitely after admitting sexual offences. derbyskyblue. It does not store any personal data. Thanks mainly to Barrie Sawbridge who flew here from his home in Quebec there was a good attendance. In the winter we had to sit with our scarves on and sometimes gloves just to keep warm. The boy who will leave at 15 is not overlooked, as so many critics blandly assume. The Woodlands physical house system is the key factor which set it apart from every other school in the city. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. I suppose it's only with the benefit of hindsight that we recognise the bullying that went on, perhaps because "getting a slap" was not unusual at home. Some were quite good Plans also include elevating all buildings on the site. II Church of St Oswald and bell tower, Tile Hill. Pupils with good attendance records at school are more likely to go on to succeed academically. Coventry teacher Paul Harris has been banned from teaching News By Rachel Stretton 05:00, 10 MAR 2020 File picture (Image: PA Wire) A married teacher who began a secret relationship with a. This has to be a major backward step, surely the only reason to participate in the cross country was that you would be closer to the girls, if the merger goes through what is the point of that gruelling run around a cold muddy field in the middle of winter? He established morning briefings, created a central staff room and closed Malins House. Jones who taught me English at Junior Tech. If I were to be asked to name the things of which the school has become noted over the last 17 years I would have to place at the top of the list non-streaming or mixed ability teaching as some prefer to call it. Joe Routledge (maths) Coventry City predicted team from CoventryLive as Sky Blues boss Mark Robins needs to "find another way" to combat his midfield injury crisis, Coventry Amazon strikes costing 2million a day union claims as workers 'pushed over the edge', Amazon have described the claims as 'complete nonsense', Arctic blast bringing snow and freezing temperatures to the UK later in March, A major sudden stratospheric warming event has taken place, Coventry Amazon strikes live as workers walk out for the second time this week, Staff are back at the picket lines again after striking previously on Tuesday, Masterplan for latest phase of 115 million 'canalside village' between Bedworth and Coventry, It is for 110 new homes as well as a new community park, Free school sessions at Nuneaton's Museum and Art Gallery scrapped, It could now cost schools more than 100 for a led session around the venue, Police probe bin blaze which almost spread to house in Nuneaton, 'More stops means slower trains': Coventry has it says on plans for two new train stations. Coventry. A new measure published for 2016 Results. Most of us never owned an overcoat. He taught me the importance of being firm but fair which I took into my teaching career. Coventry City predicted team from CoventryLive as Sky Blues boss Mark Robins needs to "find another way" to combat his midfield injury crisis, Coventry Amazon strikes costing 2million a day union claims as workers 'pushed over the edge', Amazon have described the claims as 'complete nonsense', Arctic blast bringing snow and freezing temperatures to the UK later in March, A major sudden stratospheric warming event has taken place, Coventry Amazon strikes live as workers walk out for the second time this week, Staff are back at the picket lines again after striking previously on Tuesday, Masterplan for latest phase of 115 million 'canalside village' between Bedworth and Coventry, It is for 110 new homes as well as a new community park, Free school sessions at Nuneaton's Museum and Art Gallery scrapped, It could now cost schools more than 100 for a led session around the venue, Police probe bin blaze which almost spread to house in Nuneaton, 'More stops means slower trains': Coventry has it says on plans for two new train stations. If your school is seeking support with a different subject please contact us to see how we can help. What was once an all-boys . For Safeguarding: Mrs Claire Franklin. With 300 new entrants at the age of eleven, the school began with 1,100 pupils; all of them new boys as far as The Woodlands was concerned. The facilities there were great; eight houses accommodated all pupils where they each had their own canteen. 88.2% of the pupils of This School speak English as a 1st language, which is much lower than the national average. The average number of pupils in each class. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. All posts by this member. Meals are cooked in adjacent kitchens each of whish serves two houses. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. How lucky was I to be taught by Jack Pilbin, Tony Wood and Malcolm Miles, they definitely shaped my life [1] Historic links to these two can be seen in The Woodlands School coat of arms. They include; Pastoral Provision Pastoral Team Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. A proposed elevation of one of the former school buildings. The official opening did not take place until 12th October 1955, when The Right Worshipful The Lord Mayor of Coventry Alderman T.H. September 1962 saw the arrival of a new Headteacher, Donald Thompson, and with him came a new philosophy, mixed ability teaching. Woodlands, Coventry, CV5. They adopted the principles of the comprehensive system of education to give equal opportunities to all abilities. Woodlands opened in September 1954 with 8 houses: Brook, Cresswell, Malins, McLachlan, Sparkes, Spencer, Stringer and Wilson. - I don't think so The total number of support staff who are permanently working at the school. They are collaborative, creative, confident, and above all, kind. About. Results from each subject are converted to a numeric value (A* = 8 and G=1). II Block of Two Gymnasia to South of Main Block at Woodlands School. West Coventry Academy He was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders' Register for a decade and made subject to a sexual harm prevention order for five years. Contradictory answers .. has time blurred my memory . possibly, but saying that I have enjoyed reading the Woodlands pages so perhaps it was not so bad after all. This might well be who you are seeking, and give you more info to use Former Woodlands School to be turned into another school if plans approved, Coventry City FC were reportedly eyeing up the site for a potential new stadium, Explosion heard for miles around after live hand grenades found at popular nature spot, 'Wine-drinking' mum's horrific abuse of baby exposed after she left pram at ASDA, Warwickshire priest was able to abuse boy due to 'institutional failures' in church, Covid rates fall but two parts of Warwickshire are among West Midlands' hardest-hit places, Record numbers of animals rescued by firefighters across Coventry and Warwickshire, Conditions most and least likely to be awarded PIP by DWP - full list, The money is currently calculated between 24.25 and 156.90 per week, Woman, 29, left in bed and needing wheelchair after using phone 14 hours a day, Doctors were unable to diagnose Fenella's condition, then her father read an article that described the exact symptoms, OnlyFans model has gym membership axed over selfie she took in changing rooms, The mum-of-two says the gym owners did want any connection to the adult subscription site, Man supporting pregnant wife at Coventry hospital receives parking fine - even though he paid fee, The hospital has waived the penalties as a 'gesture of goodwill', Coventry woman set to appear in Channel 4's Strangers on a Plane, Shonni Chahal, 24, from Coventry, is set to appear on a new travel programme on Channel 4, Date announced for controversial removal of iconic lily pad fountain in Nuneaton town centre, The plan has courted controversy and campaigns were launched to try and save it, Protestors climb trees in row over new housing development, Some residents are unhappy with the plans to remove trees, Dr Michael Mosley issues warning to juicing dieters for weight loss, Dr Mosley has warned that juicing diets do not provide enough micronutrients after heart attack links, New cameras to help fight fly-tipping in Coventry, The council is spending almost 200,000 to help crack down on the problem, Warning to anyone who leaves their phone charging on their bed at night, Bedroom in family home completely gutted by fire caused by phone charger, Coventry City star makes 'tired' admission following latest squad blow, The latest Coventry City news as Jake Bidwell reacts to the Sky Blues' draw with Preston and yet another injury setback for the team, Driver injured after car hits tree and flips onto side on A444, Police, paramedics and fire crews were at the scene. 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