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john 19 commentary spurgeon

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Jesus is formally condemned to crucifixion, but before he is led away he is given over to the Praetorian guards that those rough legionaries may insult him. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. Are you lukewarm? "And they took Jesus, and led him away." You have, then, no true sympathy for Christ if you have not an earnest sympathy with those who would win souls for Christ. Pilate, as we reminded you, scourged our Savior according to the common custom of Roman courts. Our Lord felt that grievous drought of dissolution by which all moisture seems dried up, and the flesh returns to the dust of death: this those know who have commenced to tread the valley of the shadow of death. I wonder he has ever received them, as one marvels why he received this vinegar; and yet he has received them, and smiled upon us for presenting them. "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" Cover it with a cloak? The more manifestly there shall be a great gulf between the Church and the world, the better shall it be for both; the better for the world, for it shall be thereby warned; the better for the Church, for it shall be thereby preserved. To-day I invite your attention to another Prince, marching in another fashion through his metropolis. Now Christ standing in the stead of the ungodly suffers thirst as a type of his enduring the result of sin. The most Scriptural way to describe the sufferings of Christ is not by laboring to excite sympathy through highly-coloured descriptions of his blood and wounds. How harshly grate the cruel syllables, "Crucify him! Will your thoroughfares be thronged? They put on him his own clothes that the multitudes might discern him to be the same man, the very man who had professed to be the Messias. No, no; we must not make a cross of our own. It is so with each one of you? Oh I raise the question, and be not satisfied unless you can answer it most positively in the affirmative. Mark you, the ransom of men was all paid by Christ; that was redemption by price. Jesus said, "I thirst," and this is the complaint of a man. "And he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes," vinegar, and not wine; sourness, and not sweetness. He did not spare his Son the stripes. Let patience have her perfect work. Though Simon had to bear the cross for a very little while, it gave him lasting honor. Hate sin, and heartily loathe it; but thirst to be holy as God is holy, thirst to be like Christ, thirst to bring glory to his sacred name by complete conformity to his will. Let this mind be in you also. If we weep for the sufferings of Christ in the same way as we lament the sufferings of another man, our emotions will be only natural, and may work no good. How has it been with you? Glorious stoop of our exalted Head! You must consider Jesus, and not yourself; turn your eye to Christ, the great substitute for sinners, but never dream of trusting in yourselves. The words, "I thirst," are a common voice in death chambers. John 19:16 . Even as the hart panteth after the water brooks, our souls would thirst after thee, O God. Behold, my King is not without his crown alas, a crown of thorns set with ruby drops of blood! Thirst is a common-place misery, such as may happen to peasants or beggars; it is a real pain, and not a thing of a fancy or a nightmare of dreamland. You may think that this remark is not needed; but I have met with one or two cases where it was required; and I have often said I would preach a sermon for even one person, and, therefore, I make this remark, even though it should rebuke but one. "Deliver him to the tormentors," was the word of the king in the parable; it shall be fulfilled to you "Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." Let all your love be his. "Verily I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with me in paradise" this is the Lord Jesus in kingly power, opening with the key of David a door which none can shut, admitting into the gates of heaven the poor soul who had confessed him on the tree. Some of you will not be baptized because you think people will say, "He is a professor; how holy he ought to be." I am ashamed of some professed Christians, heartily ashamed of them! I will give you one of his thirsty prayers "Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory." The Holy Spirit took special care that each of the sacred utterances should be fittingly recorded. O to be enlarged in soul so as to take deeper draughts of his sweet love, for our heart cannot have enough. The utterance of "I thirst" brought out A TYPE OF MAN'S TREATMENT OF HIS LORD. He would have sacrificed himself to save his countrymen, so heartily did he desire their eternal welfare. But such is not the truthful estimate of man according to the Scriptures: there man is a fallen creature, with a carnal mind which cannot be reconciled to God; a worse than brutish creature, rendering evil for good, and treating his God with vile ingratitude. John 1 Resources - Multiple Sermons and Commentaries; John 1:12 Multiple Older Commentaries on this verse; . So he was thirsting then. Alas, my brethren, I cannot say much on the score of man's cruelty to our Lord without touching myself and you. Are you so frozen at heart that not a cup of cold water can be melted for Jesus? This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. They prefer a ceremonial pompous and gaudy; the swell of music, the glitter of costly garments, the parade of learning all these must minister grandeur to the world's religion, and thus shut out the simple followers of the Lamb. Your heir of royalty is magnificently drawn along the streets in his stately chariot, sitting at his ease: my princely sufferer walks with weary feet, marking the road with crimson drops; not borne, but bearing; not carried, but carrying his cross. I suppose that the "I thirst" was uttered softly, so that perhaps only one and another who stood near the cross heard it at all; in contrast with the louder cry of "Lama sabachthani" and the triumphant shout of "It is finished": but that soft, expiring sigh, "I thirst," has ended for us the thirst which else, insatiably fierce, had preyed upon us throughout eternity. This is man's treatment of his Saviour. A few times the sun will go up and down the hill; a few more moons will wax and wane, and then we shall receive the glory. Every word, therefore, you see teaches us some grand fundamental doctrine of our blessed faith. Let us now gaze for awhile upon CHRIST CARRYING HIS CROSS. 1 So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. The high places of earth's worship and honor are not for us. They place the cross upon Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country. I think that Roman soldier meant well, at least well for a rough warrior with his little light and knowledge. First, we shall look upon them as THE ENSIGN OF HIS TRUE HUMANITY. Our first parents plucked forbidden fruit, and by eating slew the race. Beeke, Joel R. & Thompson, Nick. My Lord is not altogether without his espoused one. The lictors executed their cruel office upon his shoulders with their rods and scourges, until the stripes had reached the full number. This is what the Apostle meant when he said, "I fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the Church." We are to reckon upon all this, and should the worst befal us, it is to be no strange thing to us. III. And yet he placed himself for our sakes into a position of shame and suffering where none would wait upon him, but when he cried, "I thirst," they gave him vinegar to drink. why hast thou forsaken me?" I cannot think that natural thirst was all he felt. You and I have nothing else to preach. Some of us, indeed, confess that, if we had read this narrative of suffering in a romance, we should have wept copiously, but the story of Christ's sufferings does not cause the excitement and emotion one would expect. Weep not for him, but for these. This cross was a ponderous machine; not so heavy, perhaps, as some pictures would represent it, but still no light burden to a man whose shoulders were raw with the lashes of the Roman scourge. He ran and filled a sponge with vinegar: it was the best way he knew of putting a few drops of moisture to the lips of one who was suffering so much; but though he felt a degree of pity, it was such as one might show to a dog; he felt no reverence, but mocked as he relieved. "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." John 19:30. It is almost done, thou Christ of God; thou hast almost saved thy people; there remaineth but one thing more, that thou shouldst actually die, and hence thy strong desire to come to the end and complete thy labour. Certain philosophers have said that they love the pursuit of truth even better than the knowledge of truth. She craved full flagons of love though she was already overpowered by it. "I thirst," ay, this is my soul's word with her Lord. July 2nd, 1882 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892) "I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them." John 17:26 . How great the love which led him to such a condescension as this! That is very possible; Christ may have carried the heavier end, against the transverse beam, and Simon may have borne the lighter end. Beloved, if our Master said, "I thirst," do we expect every day to drink of streams from Lebanon? He derived spiritual refreshment from the winning of that women's heart to himself. In the Lord of Hosts, who shows his power in the sufferings of Christ and of his Church. Here you see how the mortal flesh had to share in the agony of the inward spirit. It came from the parched lips of the Divine Victim towards the close of his agony, and after the darkness which endured from the sixth to the ninth hour. Here, as everywhere else, we are constrained to say of our Lord, "Never man spake like this man." Nay more; he is banished from their society, as if he were a leper whose breath would be infectious whose presence would scatter plague. He thirsts to bless you and to receive your grateful love in return; he thirsts to see you looking with believing eye to his fulness, and holding out your emptiness that he may supply it. There was nothing behind in the price, but there is something behind in the manifested power, and we must continue to fill up that measure of revealed power, carrying each one of us the cross with Christ, till the last shame shall have been poured upon his cause, and he shall reign for ever and ever. Who among us would not willingly pour out his soul unto death if he might but give refreshment to the Lord? We may well remember our faults this day. It was the common place of death. We do not know what may have been the color of alimony face, but it was most likely black. The most careless eye discerns it. Therefore while he thirsts give him to drink this day. Oh! Spurgeon left this earth for his heavenly hope in 1892. Ah, that I cannot tell, except his own great love. The soldiery mocked and insulted him in every way that cruelty and scorn could devise. It was, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered thy children together as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but ye would not!" Jesus was proved to be really man, because he suffered the pains which belong to manhood. Oh! Shall the servant be above his Master, or the disciple above his Lord? Brother, thirst to have your children save. Oh! Christ must die a felon's death, and it must be upon the felon's gallows, in the place where horrid crimes had met their due reward. Hast thou laid thy hand upon his head, confessed thy sin, and trusted in him? The sinful find our conversation distasteful; in our pursuits the carnal have no interest; things dear to us are dross to worldlings, while things precious to them are contemptible to us. Did I not describe last Sabbath the knotted scourges which fell upon the Saviours back? The mind of man is like the daughters of the horseleech, which cry for ever, "Give, give." There was a deeper meaning in his words than she dreamed of, as a verse further down fully proves, when he said to his disciples, "I have meat to eat that ye know not of." I tell you, sirs, that yonder malefactor carried his cross and died on it; and you will carry your sorrows, and be damned with them, except you repent. What a cataract of immortal souls dashes downwards to the pit every hour! Let me add, that when we look at the sufferings of Christ, we ought to sorrow deeply for the souls of all unregenerate men and women. If you will look, there is the mark of his blood-red shoulder upon that heavy cross. Mark then, Christian, Jesus does not suffer so as to exclude your suffering. There is one way by which you can tell whether he carried your sin or not. 2 And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head, . "Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing." While other religions create what appear to be worship-filled gatherings, they are empty and void of fact. Think, dear friends, there are some in this congregation who as yet have no interest in Jesu's blood, some sitting next to you, your nearest friends who, if they were now to close their eyes in death, would open them in hell! He saw its streets flowing like bloody rivers; he saw the temple naming up to heaven; he marked the walls loaded with Jewish captives crucified by command of Titus; he saw the city razed to the ground and sown with salt, and he said, "Weep not for me, but for yourselves and for your children, for the day shall come when ye shall say to the rocks, Hide us, and to the mountains, Fall upon us." This was intended at once to proclaim his guilt and intimate his doom. The Via Dolorosa, as the Romanists call it, is a long street at the present time, but it may have been but a few yards. Thirst is no royal grief, but an evil of universal manhood; Jesus is brother to the poorest and most humble of our race. 36 These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken,"[ a] 37 and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."[ b] Read full chapter Footnotes I will not say it is because we are unfaithful to our Master that the world is more kind to us, but I half suspect it is, and it is very possible that if we were more thoroughly Christians the world would more heartily detest us, and if we would cleave more closely to Christ we might expect to receive more slander, more abuse, less tolerance, and less favor from men. Rutherford says, "Whenever Christ gives us a cross, he cries, 'Halves, my love.'" May we not be half ashamed of our pleasures when he says, "I thirst"? But ye ask me where is the spouse, the king's daughter fair and beautiful? It was pain that dried his mouth and made it like an oven, till he declared, in the language of the twenty-second psalm, "My tongue cleaveth to my jaws." He came to save, and man denied him hospitality: at the first there was no room for him at the inn, and at the last there was not one cool cup of water for him to drink; but when he thirsted they gave him vinegar to drink. Calvary was like our Old Bailey; it was the usual place of execution for the district. We thought sometimes that we loved him as we heard the story of his death, but we did not change our lives for his sake, nor put our trust in him, and so we gave him vinegar to drink. From the sky the angels viewed him with wonder and amazement; the spirits of the just looked from the windows of heaven upon the scene, yea, the great God and Father watched each movement of his suffering Son. May the Holy Ghost work in you the complete pattern of Christ crucified, and to him shall be praise for ever and ever. (6) John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the sour wine, He said, " It is finished! Then came, "Women, behold thy son!" These solemn sentences have shone like the seven golden candlesticks or the seven stars of the Apocalypse, and have lighted multitudes of men to him who spake them. "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" is the first. The flood of his grief has passed the high-water mark, and began to be assuaged. Such a greeting had the Lord of glory, but alas, it was not the shout of welcome, but the yell of "Away with him! Have we not often given him vinegar to drink? Hark how their loud voices demand that he should be hastened to execution! Remember that, and expect to suffer. Remember how Paul said, "I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. good God! Spurgeon's Bible Commentary John 19 John 19:1-16 John 19:1. We are in the world, but we must never be of it; we are not to be secluded like monks in the cloister, but we are to be separated like Jews among Gentiles; men, but not of men; helping, aiding, befriending, teaching, comforting, instructing, but not sinning either to escape a frown or to win a smile. If he was so poor that his garments were stripped from him, and he was hung up upon the tree, penniless and friendless, hungering and thirsting, will you henceforth groan and murmur because you bear the yoke of poverty and want? Borrowed from his lips it well suiteth my mouth. It is said that a German regiment was at that time stationed in Judea, and I should not wonder if they were the lineal ancestors of those German theologians of modern times who have mocked the Savior, tampered with revelation, and cast the vile spittle of their philosophy into the face of truth. January 1, 1970 A Plain Answer to an Important Enquiry "Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." John vi. "I thirst" meant that his heart was thirsting to save men. He calls for that: will you not give it to him? Hail, ye despised children of the sun, ye follow first after the King in the march of woe. Do not let the picture vanish till you have satisfied yourselves once for all that Christ was here the substitute for you. Well, beloved, the cross we have to carry is only for a little while at most. Remember, dear friends, that what Christ suffered for us, these unregenerate ones must suffer for themselves, except they put their trust in Christ. He said, "I thirst," in order that one might bring him drink, even as you have wished to have a cooling draught handed to you when you could not help yourself. Thus have I tried to spy out a measure of teaching, by using that one glass for the soul's eye, through which we look upon "I thirst" as the ensign of his true humanity. Usually the crier went before with an announcement such as this, "This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, who for making himself a King, and stirring up the people, has been condemned to die." John, the gospel of faith by Harrison, Everett Falconer, 1902- from Everyman's Bible Commentary series. It is a blow at the fable of purgatory which strikes it to the heart. He was innocent, and yet he thirsted; shall we marvel if guilty ones are now and then chastened? ye unregenerate men and women, and there are not a few such here now, remember that when God saw Christ in the sinner's place he did not spare him, and when he finds you without Christ, he will not spare you. Godly working-men, should your employers or your fellow-workers frown upon you; wives, should your husbands threaten to cast you out, remember, without the camp was Jesus' place, and without the camp is yours. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. One word: transformation. We shall by the assistance of the Holy Spirit try to regard these words of our Saviour in a five-fold light. away with him." They take matters very gently; they think it unnecessary to be soldiers of the cross. You may sit under a sermon, and feel a great deal, but your feeling is worthless unless it leads you to weep for yourselves and for your children. May God deliver you! . Hail, everlasting King in heaven, thou dost admit to thy paradise whomsoever thou wilt! He is indeed "Immanuel, God with us" everywhere. The power to suffer for another, the capacity to be self-denying even to an extreme to accomplish some great work for God this is a thing to be sought after, and must be gained before our work is done, and in this Jesus is before us our example and our strength. Brother, thirst I pray you to have your workpeople saved. But what shall be your cry when you shall say, "Good God! sinner, if God hides his face from Christ, how much less will he spare you! is the fourth cry, and it illustrates the penalty endured by our Substitute when he bore our sins, and so was forsaken of his God. Believing this, let us tenderly feel how very near akin to us our Lord Jesus has become. Add to Cart. Appetite was the door of sin, and therefore in that point our Lord was put to pain. He poureth out the streams that run among the hills, the torrents which rush adown the mountains, and the flowing rivers which enrich the plains. A carnal appetite of the body, the satisfaction of the desire for food, first brought us down under the first Adam, and now the pang of thirst, the denial of what the body craved for, restores us to our place. If not, bestir yourselves at once. A phantom, as some have called him, could not suffer in his fashion: but Jesus really suffered, not only the more refined pains of delicate and sensitive minds, but the rougher and commoner pangs of flesh and blood. And well they may; the son of such noble parents deserves a nation's love. It seems to me very wonderful that this "I thirst" should be, as it were, the clearance of it all. It was one of Death's castles; here he stored his gloomiest trophies; he was the grim lord of that stronghold. In the former cry, as he opened Paradise, you saw the Son of God; now you see him who was verily and truly born of a women, made under the law; and under the law you see him still, for he honours his mother and cares for her in the last article of death. A refined and heavenly appetite, a craving for our Lord. Some of these were persons of considerable rank; many of them had ministered to him of their substance; amidst the din and howling of the crowd, and the noise of the soldiery, they raised an exceeding loud and bitter cry, like Rachel weeping for her children, who would not be comforted, because they were not. It is done. Then the goat was led away by a fit man into the wilderness, and it carried away the sins of the people, so that if they were sought for, they could not be found. "Weep for yourselves," says Christ, "rather than for me." And said, Hail, King of the Jews! London shall see the glory of the one: Jerusalem beheld the shame of the other. 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